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How to Have a Budget Friendly Halloween

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How to Have a Budget Friendly Halloween


family dressed up for Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner, and if you aren’t careful, it can cost you lots of money.  In fact, every year it seems more Americans are spending more and more money to celebrate the holiday.  Between the costumes, parties and candy it can add up quickly. Here are a few ways to keep the Halloween costs at a minimum while still having a fun time.

Plan, Plan, Plan

The secret to managing money in any situation is to plan out your spending ahead of time.  Holidays are no exception. Plan out which costumes you want, and find out if you can make them or if you have to buy them.  How much candy will you need? Are there any decorations you need or parties to attend? Make a Halloween budget and save up your money ahead of time so that you won’t have to scrape up the money when the day comes.  

DIY Costumes

A great costume is always a priority for kids and adults alike.  When you are planning out what you want to dress up as, consider finding creative ways to make your own costume.  You don’t have to be a seamstress to DIY a costume. Search the internet for clever or original costume ideas that won’t break the bank.  If you do decide to purchase a costume, always compare prices before you take the plunge and actually purchase one.

DIY Decorations

seems like more people are decorating their homes for Halloween with every year that passes.  If decorating is something you love to do, consider saving money by making your own decorations. Dollar stores have many of the supplies needed to make spooky decorations for a fraction of the price.  Plus, you get to explore your crafty side and have fun while making them. Just search the internet for tutorials–there are a ton out there.

Buy Candy Strategically

A few weeks before the actual holiday, many of the big box stores start putting their Halloween candy on sale.  If you are strategic with the sales you can pay way less for candy than you would if you were to buy it at regular price.  Also, look for any coupons for candy. Many manufacturers send out coupons in the newspaper for candy in the weeks leading up to Halloween, and some stores have their own coupons as well.  So, scavenge the sales papers and get your coupons ready, and you won’t spend a fortune on candy this year.

So you see, Halloween doesn’t have to break the bank.  With a little planning, you can make the holiday fun and still stick to your budget.

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